Thursday, April 17, 2008


Does anyone else hate washing their jeans? For me, it goes like this. I buy the jeans and they are little snug, but after I wear them a couple times they form to my body and fit so well. But then after I wear them 8 or 10 times, I start feeling like it is gross not to wash them. But if I wash them they go back to being snug again and I have to start the process all over again. They also fade a little more with each washing and the more faded they get, the more casual they look and the less like I feel that I can get away with wearing them on casual Fridays.

Oh the plight of being a woman.

PS I don't really wait 10 wearings to wash them. Usually ;)


The Nut House... said...

SHRINKAGE! I HATE IT!! My issue is a "flood" issue. They shrink UP when I wash them. So I dry them just to soften them a bit, but they are still TOO damp to wear, then I put the cuff on the floor, step on it and pull up on the waist HARD! And repeat with the other side. THEN... I hang them upside down with a pant hanger, and air dry them the rest of the way.

I HATE washing jeans.

Donna said...

I am a big fan of the wear jeans a million times before you wash them theory! I do agree that stretching them out again after the wash is not so fun!

Miralee said...

I have a jean dance that I do once I wash them. I put them on and then start bouncing around and squatting like crazy and pulling on the waist band until they are a little bit more loose. It's not a pretty sight though!

And I wear them at least 5-6 times, sometimes more unless of course Max has spilled or spit up on me!

Anonymous said...

My secret is to avoid the dryer. At all costs denim never goes in the dryer. If they do, I might as well hope for a stomach flu before I can wear those suckers without losing blood to my lower extremities.