Thursday, August 2, 2007

Uh Oh

Have you ever had your hairdresser say that while she is doing your hair? Not really a good thing to hear.

Well, I spent 2 hours at the salon on Tuesday afternoon getting my roots done, highlights, and a trim and while she was rinsing my hair after all the color treatments, that is what she said. Uh oh. WTF? Well, apparently, after the highlights she put a clear rinse with a tint over my hair. She always does this when she colors me because it makes my hair nice and shiny. Well this time it covered up all the highlights she had just done. So you can barely see them. After a few washes they should start to show up. She offered to do more highlights, but #1 that would be death for my hair and #2 I wasn't spending one more minute in that salon and #3 that would be death for my hair. I was decidedly bummed out and I am thinking that it may be time to find a new hairdresser. There have been several little things over the past year that have bugged me, but as I have explained in the past, I hate hate hate hate hate change and I'm afraid to try someone new. What if it's worse?

And one more thing - any of you who get your hair colored - does your hairdresser get dye all over your face so that your forehead looks like Michael Jackson circa Thriller, circa Pepsi commercial, circa 1980's? Is this normal?


The Nut House... said...

A hem, did you have your hair done twice in one week? Yeah, didn't think so... post away my friend, post away.

Melanie said...


Melanie said...
