Friday, August 17, 2007

Be still my heart

Rebecca fell off her bike face first this week. She knocked out a baby tooth as well as pushed her two front (adult) teeth in and knocked them loose in the bargain. We were at the dentist at 9:00 at night so he could put some sort of brace of them. It was my first "emergency" kid trauma. I did not enjoy it to say the least. I can't believe how much worry comes with these little suckers. And I cannot believe the amount of blood that can come out of them.

So she's fine now. She bounced right back - she's a pretty tough kid. I'm not bouncing back as fast. I get pretty queasy with blood and there was quite a bit of it. Thank God Dave was here so he could investigate the damage because I probably would have been on the floor.

Just to give you one more little bit of info about how tough Becca is, after she fell off the bike and busted her mouth up, she got up, grabbed her bike, grabbed her tooth, brought her bike into the gargae and came running into the house with her tooth in her hand. There was a big pool of blood next to her bike in the garage. She can't chew with her front teeth or bite into anything for a month!

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