Sunday, May 3, 2009

Pictures as Promised

So Dave and I had planned on taking a vacation to one of the Caribbean Islands as a sequel to our St. Lucia honeymoon. But our passports took a lot longer to show up and I wasn't having a whole lot of luck finding what I felt was a sufficient deal. While I really really really (and I can't stress this enough) really, wanted to go on vacation, I told Dave it wasn't going to happen. He said he didn't care if he had to sell one of his kidney's that I was to plan something. So I starting looking for places inside the US and lo and behold, I found a phenomenal deal at The Royal Palms Resort in Phoenix, AZ. Arizona wasn't my first choice since it is no where near the ocean, but the deal was too good to pass up. And I knew it was pretty much a sure thing that it would be warm.

So we booked it and we went. And we got there and I shut down. Literally. Usually we are pretty big into sightseeing. We love museums and parks and battlefields, etc.... So I guess I was more worn out than I realized because we got there and I parked my butt at the pool are barely left the resort. Dave hiked Camelback with my brother (who lives in Phoenix) and I went to the spa for a mani and pedi. He did manage to drag me out one day to the Air Force museum and the whole time I just wanted to get back to the resort. Anyway, I read two books and it was heavenly. We really enjoyed just spending some down time with each other.

I've attached some pictures so you can see how pretty the resort was.

This was our little private patio right outside our room. It was in the high 90's/low 100's every day. The last day we were there we ordered room service for breakfast and ate at that table.

This is one of the courtyards at the resort. They had several weddings there the first weekend we were there. That mountain you see is Camelback which is where Dave hiked. He went to the top and was pretty proud of himself.

This is another courtyard where at night you can sit and have drinks. Did anyone else know that you can get Absinthe in the US now? I had my first taste of it here and it was gross. I did not see the green fairy.
I don't have any cute pictures of us together because we really didn't do anything. This is our traditional self portrait. I thought it was cute even though half of my face is cut off.


Jen said...

It looks heavenly. I am not a big go-er and do-er on vacation -- I like to sit outside. That's it. Just sit outside.

So to me it sounds like the perfect vacation!

The Nut House... said...

I'm with Jen. I totally shut down on vacation. I go to bed early every day and sleep in. I can't control it. It just happens.

I love that there are NO clouds in the sky.

Miralee said...

Your little patio is adorable! Looks like a really nice place. :)