Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Follow up to Yesterday's Post

You guys are much kinder to me than I am to myself. Thank you. Even if I'm not sure I'm so noble, it is nice to hear.

I am getting info in bits and pieces and here is what I got today.

Her cholesterol is very high for a 9 year old, but everything else is good (liver, glucose, etc...) so the specialist apparently is going to help us to figure out what kind of diet and exercise plan would be best for her. So actually, in a weird way, this is a good thing because it is going to force the other people in her life to get on board with this. The doctor suggested that those individuals go with us to the specialist so that they can be involved and held accountable. Dave and I are very committed to making this happen and will not tolerate anymore dissension in the ranks. In his words, "This is a battle we will win."

She is okay. I don't think she really understands what is going on right now. I mean can a 9 year old really grasp the fact that she is in danger of having a heart attack?

I am philosophical about this. It isn't fair, but I have been thinking about it and everyone has a burden to bear in her life (I'm sure you would all agree with this as I know most of you and can attest to the burdens you are bearing). Her burden is that she got shafted on the mom front and she can't just eat whatever she wants. I was talking to her about this last night and telling her about all the wonderful blessings she has. She is so smart. School is a breeze for her. She is so outgoing and friendly. Everyone loves her. She has the most beautiful hair I have ever seen. It is thick and gorgeous. And then I told her about the burden I had to bear growing up. I had terrible acne and for many years I let that define who I was. Her brother thinks his ears stick out. Dave won't let me blog about his burdens, but trust me, he has them. And, as I also explained to her, some people, even little people, have to deal with things like cancer and death. And if you compare it to that, eating healthy and exercising is minor.

I feel more optimistic about it today. Thanks for letting me blather on about it. You all are the best.


Joyous JRo said...

You are a wonderful person, I wish you could have been my Mom :-)

Jen said...

Seriously, you are such an awesome mom. Nice work pointing out all the things she has going for her. Fortunately the work she's going to have to do now will probably set her up to be much healthier than other adults her age, for the rest of her life. She'll have learned really healthy habits early on.

The Nut House... said...

Emily is coming to your house this summer. You did such an awesome job with Becka, and you are so right. She is a beautiful little girl. Absolutely stunning. If she gets this under control now, she shouldn't have to deal with it any longer.

Just make sure SFB, and his mom are there too. (I think I referred to her as her mom... oops).

Anonymous said...

You are a fantastic Mom & that beautiful girl is so lucky to have you in her life (and I'm sure you feel equally fortunate to have her in your life)

I also wonder if maybe some counseling may help with the emotional pain of her mother leaving? I hope that doesn't offend you. I know some people are weird about counseling. It just helped me through a lot of my "issues" & once I made peace with the painful stuff - it was much easier to commit to healthy eating habits.

Miralee said...

You are so amazing. I never would have thought to have that type of conversation. Truly incredible! Keep your head up and I know that you and Dave will do all that you can for her!