Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Bathroom Rant

Bathroom etiquette. It seems to be an ever changing animal.

Does it bother anyone else/has anyone else ever encountered any of the following scenarios in a public bathroom?

#1 You walk in a there is a woman pumping her breasts right out in the open (both breasts completely exposed)

#2 You walk in and there is a woman standing there talking on her cell phone. And I don't mean a quick, "Hi, I'm in the bathroom let me call you back". I mean a full fledged conversation like she is sitting in her living room.

#3 You walk into the bathroom and there is a woman in one of the stalls talking on her cell phone. It takes you a minute to realize she is not talking to you because you can only hear one side of the conversation and the first thing you hear her say is, "You're kidding, why did he think that!?" And you are thinking, "Is she talking to me?"

#4 You walk into the bathroom and there is a woman standing there pumping her breasts (both breasts completely exposed) and she is talking on her cell phone!?

I don't know about you, but I find it very difficult to pee when someone is having a conversation on their cell phone right next to where I am trying to pee. The above scenarios have all happened to me in the past 6 months. Now granted, the breast pumping has only occurred in the bathroom where I work, but still we're talking about a building of 200 people. And, we have a stall with a nice chair in it where you can pump your breasts in private. I don't understand these things. I don't want everyone (even other women who I might know casually from work) seeing my breasts - I don't think that is only because I've never had a baby. But those of you who have had babies, what do you think? I also try not to answer my cell phone while in the bathroom and if there is a call I must take, I high tail it out of the bathroom or I tell the person I will call them right back.

Am I just uptight?


Anonymous said...

I assume cell phone self-portraits (of feet) are still allowed?

Melanie said...

Ha! You're funny. I never do that when anyone else is in the bathroom. And I'm always in the stall. Okay, weird, but true.

Miralee said...

OMG! I am crying right now! I can honestly say that I would never pump milk right out in the open - especially if there was a stall with a chair in it, all private like.

Apparantly she just could'nt make it!

The Nut House... said...

Um yeah. Something about public restrooms, and sterlie breast milk does not agree with me. I would NEVER do that. It would be the equivalent to doing it in an outhouse.

Cell phones... one day, I'm in a stall and this woman comes in to the one next to me. "Hi" she says. I reply, "Uh Hello?". "How are you doing" she asks. I reply. "Uh fine?". Then I realize she is on the phone. So I totally agree. Extremely tacky in ALL situations you presented. And any woman pumping breastmilk in a public restroom, should have her head examined. How gross can you get.

And YES. I did NURSE both of my children.

Joyous JRo said...

Ok, so I don't have kids, but I'm still going to comment on the breast pumping. It's pretty uncomfortable b/c I don't know how to act - should I look away as fast as possible or should I act all cool and normal, like hey it's a natural thing when really it's kind of weird and best if done in private? Yeah, if a stall is available she should definitely be in it.

And the cell phones in the bathroom....seriously gross.

Great post btw!!