Saturday, August 2, 2008

Blog Hiatus

After a month, I'm sure the four people that read this blog are wondering what the heck happened to me. I wish I could say it has been a relaxing and refreshing month, but that wouldn't be true.

In the true tradition of life, things do not seem to become simpler as time goes by and this most certainly applies to my life. Good things are happening, don't get me wrong. Dave's business is taking off. He's doing so well and I'm so proud of him. But he's been working. A lot. And I'm working. A lot. And I've been thrown into a level of parenting for which I was somewhat unprepared. With a now teenager in the house and an 8 year old who thinks she is a teenager, I've started experiencing some feelings that confused me. Let's say they center around frustration and then guilt. And I lost myself for a few days there. Shut down. Took to my room. Not sure what to do. I had to find my center again. And I did not have the energy or the wherewith all to write about it.

But I am happy to report that I found my center again. I bought a couple books on step-parenting that made me feel so much better. They helped me to realize that a lot of what I have been feeling is normal. Thank God, I'm always quick to think I'm a circus freak and not like anyone else in the world. I talked about it instead of trying to sort it all out myself in my own head. What a journey.

So, I'm back. The kids are at their mom's for the next week giving me a much needed break (it's okay to say that I need a break). I remembered that I'm not going to be perfect, as much as I want to be. I'm meeting up with Val on Friday for our annual trip to Milford Memories. Some new opportunities have revealed themselves in my career. It is beautiful outside today. And I'm back.

Did you miss me?


The Nut House... said...

More than you know. I love reading your blog. Even though the updates are infrequent, I check back multiple times per day, hoping to catch another glimpse into your life. It makes it a bit easier being that we don't live close.

Miralee said...

I missed you more than you know! It was so great to see you for dinner while I was in will always be one of those few people I can't wait to see and hang out with!!!!

Tell Val I said hi, and I truly wish that I could be there!!! Have fun and I know this is going to sound totally corny but don't forget to love yourself!!!

Joyous JRo said...

Missed ya!!