Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Summer Daze

The kids started summer camp Monday. It's a day camp that is located in Howell. I found it for them last year to save them from spending the summer laying on the couch watching tv, playing video games and eating. They bitched about it at first (with a little help from someone else) but I won the day and they ended up loving it.

BONUS - Sam was too old this year for the regular day camp, but they asked him to be a junior counselor this year. So we don't have to pay for him. That saves us a ton of money and he's getting leadership training which we are hoping will help to make him a little bit more self assured and assertive.

Day camp is especially good for my little girl. She's not like me at all in that she is very very outgoing and social. She does so much better when she is busy. So she gets to spend her days running around, swimming and riding on the camps zip line. Did I mention that when we took her to Disney World she rode more rides than I did, including the Tower or Terror which even her brother would not ride? She also mastered riding her bike this year. Last year we just couldn't get her going and this year Dave took her out twice and she had it. Now she wants to ride it all over the neighborhood. She's really flourishing. I'm so proud and take all the credit :) Once I get my wedding photos back I'll post some before and afters for you to enjoy. (Ahemmm, Alison. I'm just kidding don't send me hate mail).

On a totally different note, I am taking vacation days the week of the fourth of July! I am counting down the days until I can sit around the house and complete exciting tasks like organizing the junk drawer and cleaning out my closet.


The Nut House... said...

That's cool! I need to find something for frick and frack to do when we return. I think it's either Target or Walmart has these COOL organizer trays. They are sold in a set and are a bunch of different sizes. You can connect them together in different ways to organize your junk drawer! We got them and they actually do work. Happy Organizing!

Miralee said...

Oh Melanie how I love you read your posts! I like the part about Becca and the rides at Disney...did you ride any rides?? I seem to recall a day a few years back that you came to Ceder Point with me just so I would have someone to sit with while everyone else rode the rides?? LOL! Hopefully Little Max will arrive while you are home so I can bombard you with pics!!

Melanie said...

Hmmm, sounds like a good idea for another post. I'll post tomorrow and tell you all about which Disney rides I rode and which ones I didn't!