Monday, June 4, 2007

The "Pea"

My husband has been sick. He got a cold and couldn't shake it. He finally went to the doctor last week after feeling crappy for nearly three weeks. After a few days of antibiotics, he finally started to feel better on Saturday. Sunday my throat started to hurt and today it is getting harder and harder to breathe. Last night between both kids, we were woken up no less than four times through the night and today at work I had some unexpected crap thrown at me that really shouldn't have been a big deal and almost had a complete meltdown. I don't do well on little sleep and fighting a cold. I had the first sinus infection of my life earlier this year and live in constant fear of getting another one. I have always been exceptionally healthy. Never had mono, never had strep throat, can count on one hand the number of times I have had the stomach flu in my lifetime, never even had a sinus infection, until 3 months ago. Like I've said, it's hard to be a princess when someone puts a pea under your mattress.

So, I'm posting some pictures of our honeymoon in St Lucia last November. I know these are old, but they are so beautiful, and some of you haven't seen them yet anyway. If you have already been subjected to all 250 of them along with the Melanie/Dave narration, then I apologize in advance.

This gentlemen is sweeping up flowers that fell off of the tree above him. I wish I would have gotten a better shot of his broom so it would be more obvious what he is doing. This was our first morning there and we thought this was the coolest thing!

Early in the morning of our last day....

I'll post some more photos tomorrow!


The Nut House... said...

I feel better already!

Did you know... (and I just found this out recently at work by a doctor)... that almost ALL adults have had Mono? You may not have even known you had it. I remember being at the doctor once and he said, "She's had Mono". My mom and I looked at each other in total shock. It is one of those things that you will have had in your lifetime. You may not know it. You can go have your blood drawn to find out. Anyhoo, that's a tidbit from Dr. DidUKnow. lol

Miralee said...

I so wish that I was sitting next to that pool drinking a big fat yummy, fruity drink ~ with the umbrella and all!

I hope that you (and Dave) start feeling better soon!

Melanie said...

Interesting! I'll add it to my database of "toilet trvia"