Sunday, November 29, 2009

Christmas, Fruit Cake and All That Stuff

I put the tree up today. I was totally not feeling in the holiday spirit and I really didn't want to put the tree up, but with kids in the house, I feel that would be a terrible thing not to decorate the house. It didn't take me long to get into the spirit once I started unwrapping the ornaments.

Every year I buy each person in the family an ornament that symbolizes something about them. Also each year, we take the kids to Bronners in Frankenmuth and let them each pick out an ornament. These ornaments become property of the recipient and he or she gets to hang them on the tree each year. I figure by the time the kids are out of high school I will have to have a much bigger tree or two trees!

Today I was smiling and remembering the stories attached to each ornament. Where did I buy it, what does it mean, etc....

With all the Christmas memories I started thinking about fruit cake and my grandma (my mom's mom). She used to bake, a lot. And fruit cake was one of her specialties. So if you've ever made fruitcake, you know that the candied fruit that is the main ingredient, is pretty expensive. Well, when my grandma passed away my mom got all of her recipes and when she sorted through them she found 6 or 7 different recipes for my grandma's fruitcake. Each one progressively called for more fruit until the last recipe that was almost all fruit. Apparently as she got more money, she would increase the amount of fruit.

I find that story so charming and I was thinking about it today so I thought I share it with all of you. What Christmas memories are you thinking about while you unwrap your decorations?

1 comment:

The Nut House... said...

Fruit Cake. What an amazing memory. I think it's funny about how the quantity became more and more.

Hmmm... let's see... The fan in the cylinder. I'd have to take a photo of it. There was always one on our tree growing up, and it was my dads. Probably from when he was a kid. You put it over a light bulb and the heat from the bulb makes the fan spin. I have always LOVED that ornament, and was lucky enough to find one just like it.

One of my favorite things to do... that you will miss this year is an annual cookie exchange. It is such a nice event. You will be missed!