Thursday, December 3, 2009


Today was an 8 snooze morning. Yes, I said 8 snoozes. It might have even been 9. I did not want to get up. I don’t understand how you peeps who work outside the home and who have little babies in the house that are waking you up for nighttime feedings make it to work. Ever. I don’t have babies waking me up and I am still considering cutting my hair off to make my mornings easier.

Also, I have a big zit on the side of my nose, you know that place where your know meets your face? It hurts and it’s ugly.

Also, We are leaving for Disney World in 9 days and I cannot wait. Must. Have. vacation.

We have a busy busy weekend and I wish we didn’t have any plans. Friday night is Dave’s work party which is an hour from our house. Saturday I have to finish my Christmas shopping because we are leaving the following Saturday and we get back the Sunday before Christmas which leaves me no time. Sunday is my mom’s birthday and we are supposed to be going out to dinner. Somewhere in there I would like to squeeze in a pedicure and I need to finish as much laundry as possible and start figuring out what clothes we are taking (the weather in Orlando in December is a crapshoot), which suitcase gets assigned to who and who is taking what carryon on the plane. I also have to ask and answer questions such as, “Should we lug the portable DVD player?(It’s only a 2 hour flight)” “Should I lug my laptop?” “How much reading will I really be able to do and what books/magazines should I take?” “How much cash will we need?”

I would also like to mention that I am a notorious overpacker. Especially when it comes to underwear. I think that sometime in my past I must have been caught somewhere with no clean underwear because I absolutely must pack enough underwear so I can wear 3 clean pairs a day if needed. Does anyone else do this or is this another example of how I am a freak?

Ouch, I just accidentally scratched that heinous zit on the side of my face for, like, the 16th time today. Ouch.


Miralee said...

Well I can't say that I am an overpacker of underoos BUT I am a total overpacker in general. I will take about 500 things to wear and end up wearing like 3 outfits....on our honeymoon I took 10...yes I said TEN pairs of shoes! Karl was ready to kill me.

The Nut House... said...

Ohhhh an eye watering one eh? Hate those! Just made an appt with a dermatologist for next week. It's my first time. I am getting these very weird breakouts (in clumps) and they are painful. So... getting it checked out.

I am a big time under packer. I ALWAYS wish I had something that I didn't bring. Especially now with the airline restrictions, I am so worried about going over, that I end up being too conservative about my stuff.

I would leave the laptop at home. NO WORK PERIOD. NO EMAIL, NOTHING. Take time to disengage for a bit.

Just Me said...

Oh my gosh I am so happy I found your blog! I'm a huge overpacker...3 pairs of underwear a day--check! Extra socks even if I plan on wearing sandals every day--check! My Hubby thinks I'm nuts, but we've never been anywhere and needed something and not had it! (I'm also uber-organized and keep extra wipes, snacks, water, diapers, hats, jackets in my car at all times--for my 2 kids and the 2 kids I sometimes babysit...)