Friday, June 26, 2009

A Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Yesterday we had more layoffs at my office, including one of my own employees. So, I had to not only escort one of someone else's employees out the door (who had over 20 years into the company), but I had to tell one of my employees that he does not have a job anymore (who had more than 10 years in at the company and a spouse who has major health issues).

It was a wretched day. I'm still spent and emotional this morning and I want to drown my sorrows in a giant bin of Chubby Hubby, a giant cheeseburger, a giant order of fries and a keg.

I want to cry but every time the tears have started to well up, it has not been the time to cry and I've had to choke it back. Then when I get by myself and it would be appropriate to cry, I can't.

Oh weekend, please come fast.


Jen said...

I'm so sorry! That's really awful -- I can't imagine what it must be like to be on that end of a layoff. Buy yourself that ice cream, girl.

Joyous JRo said...

Ick. Ick. Ick.

I'm sorry. Here's a long distance bottle of your favorite vino.

The Nut House... said...

That's terrible!!! I am quite sure that these people know that you aren't the bad guy. You have a good heart Mel and they know it.

Don't take it personally. There was nothing you could do.

Miralee said...

Hang in there....I know that it sounds sooo cliche' but things are bound to get better!

Plus Max sends you big hugs and kisses and says anytime you need a reality break just come visit us in NJ!

Anonymous said...

ugh, ick. Reading this made my stomach twist - I can't imagine what you must be feeling. Like Val said, Don't take it personally, there really is nothing you could do. If it was ultimately your decision, you would keep them on the payroll. Things will work out.