Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Anxiety, Friends, Refrigerators, Chicago and Right-Brainers

I hate myself for going so long in between posts. I think about posting all the time and in fact, have sat down and started to type several posts. But the words just haven't been flowing.

Nothing is wrong. I've just had nothing to say, or more accurately, everything I have wanted to say wouldn't come out in any sort of coherent stream. I'm still struggling, but I'm forcing myself to type this in the hope that something will click and the words will just start pouring out.

So far that isn't happening.

So here are the things I wanted to talk about. Anxiety, Friends, Refrigerators, Chicago and Right-Brainers.

Anxiety: Sometimes I think I am nuts. Okay, sometimes I know I am nuts. My husband does not understand why when he takes an afternoon service call and does not call to tell me that he is going to be late and said service call is in a hospital or jail where he does not get a cell phone signal and I am trying to call him for 2 hours and cannot get a hold of him, don't know where he is or why he isn't home on time, my natural conclusion is that he must have been in a horrific car crash. And panic ensues to the point that I am totally unreasonable and inconsolable until I finally hear from him. Is this just me? Someone else please tell me that they do this too or I will be convinced that I am a total freak.

Friends: I invested in the complete Friends series on DVD. Dave never watched Friends and was convinced that it was a girly show, but I have converted him. We've been working our way through those and surprise! Sam likes it too. They both laugh their butts off and we have fun watching the episodes together. We love Joey.

Refrigerators: My dream has come true. Dave's mom bought a new refrigerator and gave us her old one which we have placed in the garage and I have been putting it to good use by placing in it all our canned and bottled beverages. Also, we had a birthday party a couple weeks ago for my dad and Sam and I was able to place all the large bowls of food in there without having to spend a half hour shifting stuff around in our inside fridge to try and make room for it. It's bliss. I love it. Plus I the fridge in my kitchen looks so much neater and less cluttery.

Chicago: Dave and I are going to Chi-town for the weekend. This has been planned for months but I have been so busy that it snuck up on me and I feel all panicky about going out of town. I have no time to get ready and I was supposed to be staying for a conference next week which I can't attend now because I have to be at work for an audit. So Dave is mad at me because we have been planning to go to this conference for a year and now he is stuck there without me. His two colleagues will be there with him so he won't be alone and he'll get some guy time. Truth be told, I am kind of relieved because I was not really looking forward to spending three days with three guys. The problem is that I don't know how I am going to get home. We are driving but I need to leave the car with Dave so I either have to rent a car and drive back by myself, buy a one way flight home and have my dad pick me up from the airport or drive back with the other two wives who know each other really well but who I don't know that well and I am such a control freak psycho introvert that the idea of that makes me all floofy. I'm leaning toward the one way flight.

Right-brainers: Dave is reading a book about how right-brained people are going to rule the world in the not so distant future. I haven't read the book myself yet, but from what he has told me so far, I like what I'm hearing. Being a right-brainer myself, I love the idea that my natural inclinations will be more valued in the future. I have spent most of my post-college career trying to stamp out my right-brain inclinations in favor of a more left-brained approach (to the detriment of my mental health-it's exhausting trying to be something you're not. Plus I hate it). So, hopefully these changes come about before I retire. Apparently, according to the book, the MFA is quickly becoming the new MBA. (Alison, if you still read my blog, listen up). If this concept peaks your interest at all, the book is called A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers will Rule the Future. I linked it for you. Check it out my right-brained friends - cuz I know most of you are. Right-Brained that is. Remember I haven't read the book yet, so if it sucks, it's not my fault.


Jen said...

I have the same anxiety thing and also would have the same reaction about the drive home from Chicago.

The Nut House... said...

I am so relieved you said something about your anxiety. I was starting to think I would have better living through chemicals eventually with the way I freak out. It is nice to know that it is a natural thing, and maybe you and I are not alone?

Friends... I LOVE friends. It would be very hard to nail down my favorite episode, however one that comes to mind is the one with Ross's leather pants. Oh and the teeth whitening one. I am in microbiology right now and for the first week it took everything in my power not to call my teacher "Professor Geller", lol.

Refridgerators... I'm jealous. I wanted a full size for our basement but nooooooo. We had to have the stupid bar fridge that you can't even put a full case of beer in. You are a lucky girl!

Chicago... I vividly remember getting completely hammered in some bar or bars there with an un-named source. I remember waking up to my sister and her friend looking over me as I lay in my bed in a cold sweat. "Are you ok?" they asked. All I could say is "It was the best time I've EVER had". lol. Be sure to take a river boat tour, do both the lake side and the river deeper into Chicago. Dave will love the history of it.

I'm a right-brain however right now I am feeling somewhat left-brained after all of these math and science classes. I've been in class... 4 days and I'm already using my sleeve to open doors, lol.

I'm glad you posted. No matter what you say or how you say it, I check back DAILY for SOMETHING to read, so go ahead and ramble. Great minds think alike.

Joyous JRo said...

Totally agree with you on all topics.

Anxiety: Couldn't agree with you more on the simple phone calls and I would be taking the one way flight home too.

Friends: I love it! My 17 year old nephew started watching the reruns and loves it too, so fub to talk with hiabout it! How I Met Your Mother (on Monday nights) is kind of like it, we love this show.

The Fridge: My garage fridge changed my life, period.

Right-Brained: I'm convinced my left side doesn't work, so this makes me extremely happy!!

Thanks for the great post!

Anonymous said...

Anxiety: Anxiety is pretty much my middle name & I have been known to leave my cozy house & retrace what would have been Kraig's path home to make sure he was lying in a ditch on the side of the road. I will say that since Kraig starting texting a few years back, he's much more likely to shoot a quick text saying he'll be late. That's all I need. I don't even need to know what he is doing, I just don't want to be stuck wondering WHY he is late.

Friends: Thanks for adding to the Friends army! I don't think I know anyone who does not appreciate that show.

The Fridge: congratulations!

Right-Brained: sounds interesting - I'll have to check that out!!

Anonymous said...

Oh & Chicago - make sure that if you rent a car in Chicago you can return in Michigan. I had a hard time finding that myself but that would be the best option.

There is also the train, which stops in Ann Arbor. I've found it to really never be on time for it's arrival (in either Chicago or AA) but you can get up & walk around.