Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I'm not dead. Here's the short version.

We have been laying people off at work. It has been sucky.

Dave and I have been experiencing some trials and tribulations of late (see secret blog that does not exist yet). We're okay but it's been sucky too.

Saturday we are leaving for a week in Arizona. Much needed for our mental sanity, our relationship, and our pasty white skin.

On a spiritual note, not to be too cheesy but even with all of the above going on, I have felt the most at peace with my life that I have felt in years.

I want to expound on these things, but there is neither the time nor the will right now.

On a lighter note, I finally got my passport and the picture is worse then my drivers license. I look like Fred Flintstone, my head and face take up most of the picture. I'm pretty sure you cannot get a passport picture retaken just because you think you look stupid.



Jen said...

I am glad you are getting away, eager for your future secret blog, and happy to hear you are experiencing the peace that passes understanding.

Okay, I sort of snickered when I typed that last part. But I totally get it -- as hard as the last 8-9 months have been for us, I have grown a lot and it's been really good.

Katrina said...

That sort of environment is always icky (for lack of a better word). Janet and I worked in IT after the "dot com" bust and 9/11. They laid off at least 2 people every 2 weeks- each pay (sometimes more). That was so stinking stressful and made me really hate my job.

And I can only imagine that it's twice as stressful since you both are in it each day.

Hang it there. And you're right to be so "zen" about it. Keep doing a good job and keep a positive attitude and just ride the wave.

Sorry if I'm cheesy tonight.