Friday, November 21, 2008

I Bet You Think This Song is About You

I had to go renew my drivers license last week. They said I could renew it by mail, but I because of our vacation, I didn't get it in the mail soon enough so I had to drag myself to the Secretary of State and do it the old fashioned way.

I was expecting them to give me the renewal sticker to put on the back, so when I had paid the fee and signed the form, I was surprised when she told me to step down to the end and get my photo taken.

What!? I would rather take another driving test. The picture on my existing license isn't that great, but this was at 6:30 on a Wednesday when I had up since 5am and working since 7am. Plus I'm pretty sure I didn't wash my hair that morning.

So I'm telling myself, "How bad can it be? No one's drivers license picture is that great and I'm not one of those crazy women who goes to get her hair and makeup done for a stupid drivers license picture."

I got it in the mail this week and it is by far one of the worst pictures ever taken of me. The only color is from my dark hair. I was wearing a winter white coat and most of my make-up was worn off. It's really bad and while I usually don't care what my license photo looks like, I am seriously considering going to have it re-done. I look like a puffy albino in a dark wig.

So tell me this, will you think less of me if I actually go have it re-taken?


Miralee said...

Not one tiny bit. When I had to get my pic done for my Jersey license I asked her to re-do the pic 3, yes THREE times because I felt all puffy in the face from being prego. :)

The Nut House... said...

OMG, that is funny and ironic!

About two weeks ago, the news did a segment about DL photos. They said that most people don't care what they look like on them, YET it is the ONE photo that is looked at the most. It is looked at more than any other photo you have ever taken.

If you get pulled over, and your photo looks like a mug shot, do you think you're going to be let off with a warning?

Yeah... I'd go retake it. They said you can turn your shoulders slightly too, and then look at the camera for a nice profile.

Do it up girlfriend... and I want to see the end result!

Anonymous said...

Dude I can so relate, I look like a crazy serial killer in mine. I was mesmerized by seeing myself on the camera and was loking at myself when the woman yelled "don't look at the camera" and scared me right when she clicked. And now I have crazy eyes in my license. It makes a lot of people laugh. However I was having a good hair day and was thin and tan so I kept it.

No judgement here!