Friday, March 21, 2008

One of the best movies. Ever.

Last weekend my mom, Becca and I had a girls night and we introduced Becca to Anne of Green Gables. That movie was an absolute favorite of mine as a little girl and if you have never seen it, I would suggest checking out with your favorite young adult. At 8, I think Becca was still a little young to sit through the entire movie and indeed, she got a little restless the last 45 minutes. We're going to wait a year or two before we show her the sequel. But she did enjoy the beginning where Anne was younger. I also think she loved the idea of a girls night. What the heck, might as well start her young, right?

But, for those of you who know me, I gleaned many useful phrases and terms from Anne, including, "I'm in the depths of despair!", "bosom friend", and "kindred spirit". I might still name one of my children after one of the characters. As you might be gathering, I was a little geeky as a child and never felt comfortable in my own skin or around people my own age. So I thought of characters like Anne and Diana as my friends. Before you shed a tear for me, that's not to say I didn't have any friends, but just a choice few.

So, it was nice to share something I loved so much as a child, with my child. For a little girl who has lacked the motherly attention she has deserved and craved for much of her life, I think it was really good for her too.

1 comment:

The Nut House... said...

I am SO happy to have been one of the "lucky" ones. I am indeed... very lucky.

I will have to watch that movie.