Sunday, December 16, 2007


My kids have a snow day tomorrow. The school district already called it. I get more excited about it than they do.

I think snow days were one of the best things I can remember from my school days. Was there anything better than getting up on a snowy morning and having your mom tell you that you can go back to bed?

It just isn't the same being an adult. Even if my office closed for the day - I would still be taking phone calls on my cell phone and working on my laptop. There are no carefree snow days in my forecast. But at least I can live vicariously through the kids!


The Nut House... said...

OMG, when I see Hartland Schools closed, I get so nostalgic. We had WAY more snow on Jeni Lane than we do here, most of the time... but I still LOVE it when they are off for an extra day.

I AM sleeping in tomorrow. PERIOD. We are UTICA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS, in Macomb County. Watch for us on the closing list. lol.

Miralee said...

I am so jealous! Wait no I am not. We don't have any snow and the sun is shining and it's beautiful out!! Like a nice and crisp fall day!! I guess there are some good things about New Jersey!!!

Anonymous said...

Even though you had to work, I hope the kids enjoyed their day! I miss snow days too - even though I work from home everyday.

The Nut House... said...

Surely they have to have cleared the snow by now.... I know you have things to do.... but inquiring minds want to know... WHAT IS MEL UP TO TODAY?