Monday, April 30, 2007

I Stand Corrected

My mom called this evening to tell me that the purple flowers Rebecca won are pansies, not impatiens. Sorry! This is my first house - until yesterday I thought you had to plant dandelions.

Sue me.

Busy Weekend

Pheww! We had the busiest weekend that I can remember for some time. Rebecca had Brownie camp on Saturday and I had to drop her off to the carpool at 7:15 am. Waking up to an alarm on Saturday makes me a little crazy. I guess I should just be thankful that she was riding with her friend and mom - the camp was near Lapeer. I didn't pick her back up until 7pm. I spent the time in between cleaning the house and riding around on the ridiculously expensive mountain bike that my husband bought for me. My butt is all bruised up from that! Biking has never been my love, but I do these things so he'll walk with me (my love).

Sunday Rebecca and I had to rush out the door to drive to Warren for a bridal shower. She loved it - even though she got a little bored during all the present opening. My little girl is lucky - she won the centerpiece in the middle of the table which was a beautiful planter with purple impatiens in it. It looks lovely on my porch :)

One other thing with the girl - and this is where she earns the "pea" label I've given her. She has just recently, in the last couple of weeks, developed a problem with sleeping. It goes like this: I put her in bed at her normal time. She complains like all kids do that she isn't tired, but usually she falls asleep within a half hour. But lately, instead of falling asleep, she lays there for about a half hour and then starts bawling her head off. We go up, comfort her, tell her to go to sleep, put on some music and go back downstairs. That cycle happens one or two more times and then when we go to bed it really starts. She will be knocking on our door every hour on the hour for the rest of night. Everytime it's for a different reason- she's thirsty, she's scared, she's hot, she's cold. It's very frustrating. We don't let her in our bed and we just keep putting her back in her bed, but I'm torn between wondering if she is really having a problem or if she is manipulating us. Being that she isn't mine, I second guess myself all over the place. Should I be sympathetic to her insomnia, or should I scold her and tell her butt to stay in bed? Should I let her stay up later? Does she need more exercise? Every night this has happened, she has been very active during the day. Anyone have any ideas or advice? I know some of you are seasoned mothers....

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Corporate America

I was supposed to get married young, have a fairytale marriage, produce a several babies, stay home and raise them, all the while loving every minute of it.

That didn't happen.

I got married at 30, inherited 2 partially grown kiddies, and have been dutifully riding the rat train every day for the past 10 years (yes 10 years). Funny how things don't go the way you plan. Well, I don't know about you, but things rarely go the way I plan.

I received a promotion at work about 3 months ago. Today I found out that my new boss is now my old boss due to the fact that he has been "reassigned" which is a nice way of saying he was demoted. According to old boss, he had a one-on-one with his manager in February in which he was informed all was well. Then three weeks later on a Friday afternoon, they dropped the bomb on him and asked him what job he would like if he was going to stay with the company. Do I have to tell you that he is peeved? NO. I don't know if old boss deserves this demotion; I have only been working with him for 3 months. Nor do I know if new boss is deserving of the promotion. I know of him, but do not know him. However, these are the kind of things that make employees nervous. They start wondering if they are next. The climate around the office changes. People start sending CYA emails like crazy. They start checking in with their boss when they go to the bathroom to pee (this is a serious problem for coffee drinkers like me-one travel mug of coffee = 2 trips to the bathroom - minimum). Or worse, they take their cell phone into the bathroom, and answer it! You know who you are public bathroom cell phone answerers!

This sort of things has become the norm in my corporate world. I'm wondering if I am going to be expected to subscribe to this line of thinking. Or worse yet, is my soul slowly leaking out my right ear and I'm not even noticing. Can you be a kind and good-hearted person and still be a successful rat?

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I love my family

As most of you know, I got married last June to the man of my dreams and went, in the span of a 30 minute ceremony, from being a single woman living alone in an adorable little condo with one cat, to a wife, stepmother, and daughter-in-law living in a crowded (but still adorably decorated) little condo with a husband, two kids and a cat. We picked up puppy the Monday following our Saturday wedding. Then in August we bought a house and in one weekend moved out of the condo into the house and my mother-in-law out of her apartment and into the condo. (It's a wonderful time to be living in Michigan) The kids started school the following Tuesday and I was launched into the world of lunch money, science projects, oh my gosh I forgot my gym shoes, missed the bus, and my favorite jeans were in a crumpled mess under the bed and you didn't wash them! Not to mention I'm still working 50 hours a week. So, those days I come home and the kitchen table is covered in school papers, someone used up all the toilet paper and didn't replace it, and the boy has eaten me out of house and home, I have to remind myself of how lonely it got before these little peas came into my life. They most certainly have made me lose sleep, they've made me cry, they've made me very angry. But, they've also made me laugh, taught me, entertained me and most of all, they've made me fall in love with them.