Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Pulling a "Mandy"

It's a good thing I don't take myself too seriously because yesterday I was scurrying across the office in a big fat hurry to get to a meeting and I came around the corner, caught the heel of my shoe in the cuff of my pants and fell right on my a$$. Knocked myself right out of shoes right in front of our District Manager and a couple of colleagues (all men). They just laughed at me and I laughed at myself. There's a reason my name isn't Grace. It's been a long time since I had such an embarrassing incident, but hey, it's good to be humbled once in a while, right?

Mandy(you have to call her Miranda) knows why I called this "Pulling a Mandy" But I'll leave it up to her if she wants to share that ;)


The Nut House... said...

OMG, that is funny. It ALWAYS happens when someone you don't want to see it... is around.

And Mirmandy(lol), do share.

Miralee said...

I am laughing so hard I can hardly type!

Mel your post may require me divulge my secret...LOL! I may need more room than the little comment box will allow!

Anonymous said...

LOL. Janet and I refer to that as Carpet Monster.