Saturday, October 18, 2008

Red Lettuce Onions

Last week I brought home Subway for dinner. Trying to save money and encourage Rebecca to healthier than her usual turkey with lettuce and mayo, I got a sub for us to share. That means it had pretty much all the veggies that Subway offers. She picked the banana peppers off hers, but left the rest.

Well, at one point she pulled a red onion off the sub and asked me if it was, in fact, an onion. Knowing if I confirmed the presence of said onion on her sandwich, all eating would stop while she tried to locate every onion and remove it. So I did what anyone would do.

I lied and told her the onion was a piece of lettuce. And she ate the rest of her portion without incident.

Fast forward to earlier this afternoon when I took her to Subway for a quick lunch before I dropped her off at a cake and ice cream birthday party. This time I knew there was no way I would be getting the onions because she was standing there while I told the sandwich artist what to put on the sub. So I skipped the onions and forgot about it.

A few minutes later after she is a couple of bites into her sub, she looks at me and says, "You forgot to ask for the red lettuce."


The Nut House... said...

OMG, I'm laughing out loud. Literally. Den thinks I'm nuts because he doesn't know that I just read your blog.

Emily hhhaaaaaaaaatttteeessss onions with a passion. Infact, she wouldn't just pull the onion off, she won't touch whatever it is in. That would be the end all of the entire meal. lol.

Omg mel, you crack me up. You totally just made my day.

Alison said...

You saying Sandwich Artist = me being in love with you.

Melanie said...

Ha! I was wondering if anyone was going to pick up on that. I'm glad there are people out there who still get my brand of sarcasm.

Anonymous said...

LOL. Very funny post. I just referred to Kraig as a sandwich artist this weekend when I asked him to make me one!