Saturday, October 18, 2008


See that palm tree to the left of this post? That is where I'm going to be for 8, yes 8, luxurious and relaxing days with my husband.

We leave Tuesday.

Red Lettuce Onions

Last week I brought home Subway for dinner. Trying to save money and encourage Rebecca to healthier than her usual turkey with lettuce and mayo, I got a sub for us to share. That means it had pretty much all the veggies that Subway offers. She picked the banana peppers off hers, but left the rest.

Well, at one point she pulled a red onion off the sub and asked me if it was, in fact, an onion. Knowing if I confirmed the presence of said onion on her sandwich, all eating would stop while she tried to locate every onion and remove it. So I did what anyone would do.

I lied and told her the onion was a piece of lettuce. And she ate the rest of her portion without incident.

Fast forward to earlier this afternoon when I took her to Subway for a quick lunch before I dropped her off at a cake and ice cream birthday party. This time I knew there was no way I would be getting the onions because she was standing there while I told the sandwich artist what to put on the sub. So I skipped the onions and forgot about it.

A few minutes later after she is a couple of bites into her sub, she looks at me and says, "You forgot to ask for the red lettuce."

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Pulling a "Mandy"

It's a good thing I don't take myself too seriously because yesterday I was scurrying across the office in a big fat hurry to get to a meeting and I came around the corner, caught the heel of my shoe in the cuff of my pants and fell right on my a$$. Knocked myself right out of shoes right in front of our District Manager and a couple of colleagues (all men). They just laughed at me and I laughed at myself. There's a reason my name isn't Grace. It's been a long time since I had such an embarrassing incident, but hey, it's good to be humbled once in a while, right?

Mandy(you have to call her Miranda) knows why I called this "Pulling a Mandy" But I'll leave it up to her if she wants to share that ;)