Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Are you kidding me?

I saw in the headlines today, the entertainment headlines that is, that Kate Hudson and Lance Armstrong are now an item.

Seriously. Didn't she just break up with Owen Wilson. Again?

Am I alone when I say that I am exasperated with Hollywood stars jumping around from bed to bed to bed like the popular crowd in high school? And I am supposed to accept this as mainstream? Do I want my children to think it is normal and okay to meet, marry, make babies (not always in that order) with someone only to call it quits two years into it and move on to the next person, make some babies with them and so on?

It makes me so crazy. So I'm inventing a new variation on an old game. Ever heard of "Six degrees of Kevin Bacon" which is based on "Six Degrees of Separation"? It is the idea that people are separated from everyone else by only six people. Well, my game is called "Six Degrees of Sex-peration." Can you link the Hollywood stars to other Hollywood stars in six stars or less? I'll start:

Jennifer Aniston and Julia Roberts (an easy one-I'll admit)

Jennifer Aniston slept with Tate Donovan
Tate Donovan slept with Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock slept with Benjamin Bratt
Benjamin Bratt slept with Julia Roberts
Bam! They've all slept with each other one way or another.


The Nut House... said...

OMG, LOL. Go get em fireball! lol. You are a riot tonight. I agree though...

Here's food for thought...
High School Musical. HUGE, MEGA Hit.

Then Vanessa Hudgens went and took nude pic's. Emily was so disgusted by even hearing about it, that I can't even tell you where the HSM CD is. She stopped listening to it and really doesn't care for them much.

It's good to raise a kid with good morals.

Donna said...

oh fun - but i'm no good at this sorta thing...

what about brad pitt to tom cruise....

that should be an easy one for ya, right?